Juicing takes no time at all, and it literally counts as a meal in a cup. Chase it with a little protein and healthy fat, and you have a balanced and super healthy meal in minutes. I have an inexpensive juicer from Costco that works great, and my kids enjoy helping me choose the fruits and veggies to throw in. We have made so many awesome combinations, but this green juice (pictured) is definitely a family favorite.
Be creative when you juice! Choose any colorful veggies that are in season, and you really can’t go wrong. We love making concoctions with beets, carrots, collard greens, chard, romaine, celery, etc. When you are juicing root veggies , throw in the tops as well! The green part of the beet or carrot is an awesome addition to the juice, and is loaded with nutrients. The sweeter the veggies are (ie. beets and carrots) the less fruit you will need to add to sweeten it up. When you fall in love with juicing up your greens, be sure rotate your greens from time to time, to prevent a disruption in your thyroid that can happen when you eat too many of a certain type of green (I guess there really CAN be too much of a good thing!). There are so many awesome greens to choose from, so play around with it.
Anderson Family Favorite Juice Recipe:
5-6 kale leaves
1/2 bunch spinach
1 cucumber
2 apples
1 lemon
2 inches ginger root
Enjoy your greens!
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