Can we talk about collagen for a minute?
I know, it doesn’t exactly sound like the most thrilling topic, but I think it deserves a little of our attention. When I say collagen, I am sure you think of beauty products promising smoother, more youthful looking skin. You might even think of ridiculously expensive face creams or injections that claim to be akin to the fountain of youth. I know that is what the word collagen used to conjure up in my mind.
Well, I’m not claiming to know anything at all about collagen creams or injections, but I do want to talk about collagen as part of your daily nutrition regimen! Collagen is an extremely beneficial health food, and has recently become more readily available in a variety of forms, as it’s benefits have become more widely shared and understood.
Collagen powders, derived from bone broth, have some very healthful qualities, and provide an excellent source of protein. In fact, collagen protein powders have become the gold standard in protein powder, especially for those following a paleo diet. They are versatile, tasteless, and offer additional health properties, in addition to their protein content.
Some of the health benefits of collagen protein:
1. Healthy skin, hair and nails
2. Bone and joint health
3. Reduced inflammation
4. Gut health & improved digestion
5. Hormone balance and regulation of metabolism
Powdered collagen protein powders (also known as collagen peptides) are so easy to use! Most are completely tasteless, and easily dissolve in cold or hot liquids, so they are easy to add into your diet. I add mine to my morning coffee and to my daily smoothies, but the sky really is the limit for how you can incorporate it into your daily routine. My two favorite collagen powders are Great Lakes Collagen Powder, and Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides. Both are completely tasteless, dissolve easily, and are made from grass fed beef.
But…I haven’t told you the most exciting part yet! Collagen PROTEIN BARS! Yep, there are now some really excellent protein bars made from collagen protein. If you’re fit & busy like me, you know that protein bars are sometimes a must. I mean when you’re constantly on the go, you sometimes need convenient snacks to help keep you on track. But, finding a good, clean protein bar that’s not filled with a bunch of junk can be challenging. UNTIL NOW! I’ve just discovered these amazing little Coconut Cashew Collagen Protein bars (there is also a chocolate almond flavor, but I did not enjoy this one nearly as much as the coconut cashew) that definitely fit the bill. One bar has 15 grams of protein, 6 grams of fiber and 14 carbs. Sign me up!
Thrive Market must be as excited about these little bars as I am, because they’re currently running a special where you get a box of 6 FREE with your trial membership to Thrive! I love Thrive Market, because it doesn’t get much easier than ordering healthy foods, at a discount, and then having them show up on your doorstep.
Free Collagen Protein Bars…YES, PLEASE!