We all know that eating 5 small, balanced meals a day is the best way to stay fueled through our #fitandbusy lives. Well, HOPEFULLY we all know that, and, if not, stay tuned for upcoming blog posts on why this is so important!! In the meantime, let’s talk about a quick and easy “meal” solution that can be consumed on the run, and can be loaded with all sorts of nutritional “extras.” Smoothies, or protein shakes, are an AWESOME way to get a quick, balanced meal into your busy day. I usually like to have a smoothie as my mid-morning meal, at around 10ish, or after I teach my morning class. I love to experiment with different combinations of ingredients, and I ALWAYS try to sneak extra healthy ingredients in there, especially if I plan to share with the little people in my house.
Beware of the smoothie trap! Not all smoothies are created equal. Smoothies, such as the ones at the big chain smoothie stores, can be LOADED with unwanted sugar and calories. Even “all fruit” smoothies can be sneaky little devils with WAY more calories than you expect, and who will take your blood sugar on a crazy ride! When I am talking about smoothies, I am really talking about blended protein shakes. It is important to make sure that your smoothies have all of the macros (protein, carbs and fat, in the appropriate ratios) represented in order for it to be a blood sugar friendly meal option that isn’t going to sabotage all your hard work.
Basic customizable smoothie recipe:

Protein powder of your choice (I prefer a whey option, but there are some great vegan choices as well. You can also opt to add Greek yogurt or cottage cheese for additional protein)
Liquid (water, coconut water, almond milk, coconut milk, regular milk)
Healthy fat source (nuts, nut butter, coconut butter, avocado)
Fruit (½ banana, acai, berries, mango, etc.)
Veggie (spinach, kale, cucumber, etc.)
Healthy “extras” (chia seeds, flax, cacao nibs, shredded lite coconut, etc.)
Anderson Family’s Favorite Chocolate Smoothie:
Almond milk
Peanut butter
Spinach and/or kale
Chia seeds
Hemp hearts
Bee pollen
This is a protein & superfood packed smoothie that I know will give my family the fuel they need to get through their busy days. And, they LOVE it! Have fun mixing and matching!