Bone Broth is the New Black


Have you tried bone broth yet? I’ve been riding this latest health food bandwagon I’m loving it!! I just finished my latest batch of this liquid gold and had to share some of the awesome health benefits with you, because when you discover something awesome, you just can’t keep it to yourself!

I know, I know…it sounds kinda gross, right?  I promise, it’s not!  Just imagine your favorite chicken soup broth, only richer, more delicious, and LOADED with healthy nutrients.  Are you intrigued yet?  Keep reading to learn what it is, why we should drink it, and how to make it!

What is bone broth? Bone Broth is basically chicken or beef stock that has been cooked VERY slowly for at least 24 hours (more for beef broth) in order to pull the beneficial minerals and nutrients out of the bones.  It is rich in nutrients, and, although bone broth has been around for centuries, has recently become mainstream in for it’s long list of health benefits.

Why should we drink it? Bone broth has a LONG list of health benefits that I’ve quickly summarized for you.
1) Minerals – Unfortunately, most of us are not getting enough minerals in our diets, and mineral supplements are never as good as those naturally derived from food sources.  Bone broth is rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium and more.  These can help with everything from quality sleep to overall mood and energy.
2) Immune boosting – The nutrients in bone broth naturally boost your immune system, and can help speed recovery when you are sick.
3) Healthy joints – Bone broth contains glucosamine & condriotin, as well as collagen and gelatin that all provide support for the bones and joints.  They can also help to reduce inflammation throughout the body.
4) Digestion – The collagen and gelatin help to soothe the digestive tract, and can even help to repair some digestive issues.
5) Bone broth makes you beautiful!  No, really, it has a long list of beauty benefits, such as shiny hair, glowing skin, improved elasticity and fewer wrinkles.  This is due to the collagen and hydrating minerals present in the broth.  I mean, people pay big bucks for collagen treatments, and bone broth does this from the inside out!

How do we make it? Although it takes a long time, making bone broth is actually very easy!  There are tons of recipes online, but I’ve outlined my basic recipe for chicken below:
1) Use two ORGANIC (preferably grass fed) chicken carcasses to two gallons of water in a stock pot. Some people like to add 2 chicken feet as well (for the extra gelatin and collagen).  I know, kind of eww, right?  I couldn’t do it at first either, but I worked my way up to it 😉
2) Add 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to the water, and let it sit for 15 minutes.
3) Roughly chop 1 onion, 2 carrots and 2 celery stalks and add to the pot.  I like to add a small amount of sea salt and cracked black pepper at this point as well, but that is optional.
4) Turn the heat on as LOW as it will go, cover your pot, and allow to simmer for at least 22-23 hours.  It should barely simmer.  You don’t want to cook it too fast!
5) After the 23 hours have passed, add in some parsley, thyme and a couple cloves of garlic.  I also like to add a bit more salt and pepper during this last hour.
6) After 24 hours, strain the liquid into mason jars and store in the fridge or freezer until you’re ready to drink it!  If you plan to freeze, only fill the jars 3/4 full, and cool completely in the fridge before freezing.

Are you ready to try this powerhouse health food?  My husband and I have both been drinking small mugs of broth each morning, and I am really loving it!  Give it a try and let me know how it goes. Cheers!


The Wonders of Apple Cider Vinegar

By Guest Blogger Heidi Wickstrom

I never thought I would say this but I’m addicted to Apple Cider Vinegar. Yes, you heard me right. After a discussion I had with my personal trainer about drinking ACV daily for several reasons, I decided to do some research myself. It’s beneficial for pretty much anything—your skin, your hair, and your house can benefit from its qualities. Raw, organic, unfiltered and unpasteurized, apple cider vinegar is so much more than a salad dressing!

Top 10 Reasons to use ACV:

1. ACV can aid in weight lossDesign
Many people claim the Apple Cider Vinegar promotes weight loss by speeding up the metabolism. Just mix 2 teaspoons with 16 oz of water, sip it throughout the day for daily weight management. (Warning, it’s a bit bitter, but you can always add honey or stevia)
2. Gives hair body and shine
Make your own healthy after-shampoo hair rinse by mixing 1/3 of a cup (75 ml) of ACV into a quart (1 liter) of water. You can then store this mixture in a plastic bottle and keep it in the shower for ready use. Apply the vinegar rinse after shampooing and then rinse it all out, or for extra conditioning, you can leave the rinse on your hair. This natural hair care product can be used once or twice a week or more often as needed.
3.You can use it as a toner
Psoriasis sufferers praise apple cider vinegar for reducing inflammation. Apply a few drops to a cotton ball and rub on your T-zone or other dry spots to prevent breakouts and minimize blemishes. I also like to add a drop of lavender essential oil. Therapeutic-grade lavender is highly regarded for skin and beauty.
4.Teeth Whitener
Gargle with ACV in the morning. The vinegar helps remove stains, whiten teeth, and kill bacteria in your mouth and gums. Brush as usual after you gargle.
5. It’s a Tummy Tamer
It acts as an effective agent against the viruses that cause stomach flu. It is also a rich source of pectin, which helps soothe an irritated stomach. Moreover, it helps treat stomach ache, nausea, vomiting and gas.
6. Leg cramps and Restless Leg Syndrome
Sipping on an apple cider vinegar drink can increase low potassium levels in your body, a suspect in nighttime leg cramps and restless leg syndrome.
7. Reduce swelling
Rubbing ACV onto swollen hands or feet reduces swelling. A wonderful thing during pregnancy!
8. Soothing bath soak
The next time you get ready for a nice warm bath, add one to two capfuls of ACV. It draws toxins out of the body, leaving behind toned and moisturized skin. Again, I love to add a drop of Lavender essential oil.
9. Sunburn remedy
You can relieve the pain of a sunburn and minimize peeling by applying a wash cloth soaked in ACV to the area. Don’t worry about the smell it dissipates quickly.
10.Natural deodorant
Lots of people don’t like to use an antiperspirant, so ACV is a great option. ACV absorbs and neutralizes odors. Simply rub a bit in your underarms. The smell will disappear once it dries.

*I do recommend Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar, you can find it almost anywhere! It runs about $3 dollars for a 16 ounce bottle. What a bargain!!

**Huge thank you to Heidi Wickstrom for contributing this article.  Heidi is a Fit & Busy mom of 2, who loves learning & sharing healthy, holistic, tips for living a healthy lifestyle.

Fabulous Foods Super Fast

greenjuice2pinkBeing busy doesn’t mean you need to sacrifice eating your greens!  Juicing is one of my FAVORITE quick ways get lots of healthy stuff into my family’s diet, even when we are short on time.  Imagine how long it would take me to convince my kids to eat a a huge pile of kale, spinach and cucumber!  It could very well take me until the end of time.  BUT, if I juice it up with some apple and lemon, voila!  They can drink it down (with NO complaining!) in a matter of a few minutes!
Juicing takes no time at all, and it literally counts as a meal in a cup.  Chase it with a little protein and healthy fat, and you have a balanced and super healthy meal in minutes.  I have an inexpensive juicer from Costco that works great, and my kids enjoy helping me choose the fruits and veggies to throw in.  We have made so many awesome combinations, but this green juice (pictured) is definitely a family favorite.
Be creative when you juice!  Choose any colorful veggies that are in season, and you really can’t go wrong.  We love making concoctions with beets, carrots, collard greens, chard, romaine, celery, etc.  When you are juicing root veggies , throw in the tops as well!  The green part of the beet or carrot is an awesome addition to the juice, and is loaded with nutrients.  The sweeter the veggies are (ie. beets and carrots) the less fruit you will need to add to sweeten it up.  When you fall in love with juicing up your greens, be sure rotate your greens from time to time, to prevent a disruption in your thyroid that can happen when you eat too many of  a certain type of green (I guess there really CAN be too much of a good thing!).  There are so many awesome greens to choose from, so play around with it.

Anderson Family Favorite Juice Recipe:
5-6 kale leaves
1/2 bunch spinach
1 cucumber
2 apples
1 lemon
2 inches ginger root
Enjoy your greens!

A Smoothie a Day…

chocolate green smoothieWe all know that eating 5 small, balanced meals a day is the best way to stay fueled through our #fitandbusy lives. Well, HOPEFULLY we all know that, and, if not, stay tuned for upcoming blog posts on why this is so important!! In the meantime, let’s talk about a quick and easy “meal” solution that can be consumed on the run, and can be loaded with all sorts of nutritional “extras.” Smoothies, or protein shakes, are an AWESOME way to get a quick, balanced meal into your busy day. I usually like to have a smoothie as my mid-morning meal, at around 10ish, or after I teach my morning class. I love to experiment with different combinations of ingredients, and I ALWAYS try to sneak extra healthy ingredients in there, especially if I plan to share with the little people in my house.

Beware of the smoothie trap!  Not all smoothies are created equal.  Smoothies, such as the ones at the big chain smoothie stores, can be LOADED with unwanted sugar and calories.  Even “all fruit” smoothies can be sneaky little devils with WAY more calories than you expect, and who will take your blood sugar on a crazy ride!  When I am talking about smoothies, I am really talking about blended protein shakes.  It is important to make sure that your smoothies have all of the macros (protein, carbs and fat, in the appropriate ratios) represented in order for it to be a blood sugar friendly meal option that isn’t going to sabotage all your hard work.

Basic customizable smoothie recipe:Strawberry smoothie
Protein powder of your choice (I prefer a whey option, but there are some great vegan choices as well.  You can also opt to add Greek yogurt or cottage cheese for additional protein)
Liquid (water, coconut water, almond milk, coconut milk, regular milk)
Healthy fat source (nuts, nut butter, coconut butter, avocado)
Fruit (½ banana, acai, berries, mango, etc.)
Veggie (spinach, kale, cucumber, etc.)
Healthy “extras” (chia seeds, flax, cacao nibs, shredded lite coconut, etc.)
Anderson Family’s Favorite Chocolate Smoothie:
Chocolate protein powder (we love Nutri Whey)
Almond milk
Peanut butter
Spinach and/or kale
Chia seeds
Hemp hearts
Bee pollen
This is a protein & superfood packed smoothie that I know will give my family the fuel they need to get through their busy days.  And, they LOVE it!  Have fun mixing and matching!

Superfood Salad

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Are you always on the lookout for nutrient dense and calorie light lunch ideas?  I know I am, and, in addition to it being light and healthy, I also want it to be quick and convenient.  That’s not too much to ask from a lunch, is it?  Anyway, I love when I come up with new ideas to add to my lunch rotation, and what’s the fun of having a great new idea if you can’t share it with your fit friends??




¼ C of uncooked quinoa
½ bag of Trader Joe’s “Cruciferous Crunch” salad mix (I’ve heard that they have a similar mixture of kale, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and green & red cabbage at Costco and Vons as well)
½ lemon
1tsp Dijon mustard
1tsp extra virgin olive oil
1tbsp dried cranberries
1tbsp slivered almonds
Optional toppings:
Goat cheese crumbles
Sliced cooked chicken breast
1. Prepare quinoa with ½C water according to package instructions
2. In a small bowl, whisk together lemon juice, Dijon, olive oil and salt and pepper to taste
3. Pour salad mixture into a medium skillet over med-high heat, pour lemon dressing over the top, and toss together for about 2 minutes, or until the mixture is coated and just begins to wilt.  The kale should turn a bright shade of green.
4.  Turn off the heat, and add in your cooked quinoa, dried cranberries, and slivered almonds.  Toss until combined.
5.  Place in a bowl, top with optional toppings if desired


This salad is light, fresh, and FULL of fiber and nutrients.  It also takes no more than 10 minutes to prepare.  Now THAT is my kind of lunch!  Enjoy!